Fatema R.

Fatema R.

When asked about what initially drew her to Girls Group, 9th grade Fatema shared, “I decided to join because I heard they had good food and fun activities.” Now in her second year of Girls Group, Fatema is a leader in programs and is on track to graduate a year early.

Fatema is a member of Girls Group’s Youth Leadership Council, where she helps design, shape, and facilitate workshops for her peers. Last month, she enjoyed mentoring and leading a group of middle school participants during Girls Group’s Spring Break Workshop, “Trust Days”.

“I feel like after I joined, mentors encouraged me to stand up for myself and validate the decisions I make. I feel like I’ve come out of my shell, made new friends, and became a stronger leader,” Fatema shared. A Girls Group staff member added, “Fatema is awesome! She is always the first to lend a helping hand while lifting others up around her.”

After she graduates a year early, Fatema plans on pursuing a Pre-Medical Degree to become a doctor. Her advice to those struggling to find their voice is to “be yourself all the time, and to never let someone put you down.”