Group of participants at mock election

Your Vote Matters!

February 2024

With the presidential primary election happening this month, there is no better time to learn about civic engagement than now! When young people feel they can make a difference and see their actions lead to good things, it has long-term effects. Studies even show that youth participation improves academic outcomes and enhances social-emotional health. Learning about civic engagement is more than just involvement; it’s a stepping stone for young people to acquire valuable skills that pave the way for economic advancement!

This month, Girls Group middle and high schoolers participated in mock elections. After presenting their cases, the group cast votes about which candidate they wanted to win. “[Elections] remind me of studying for a test,” one participant reflected. “You have to take time to listen [to the candidates] and learn about them so you know who you want to vote for.”

When participants feel strong enough to make a difference and witness their actions shaping a brighter future, it leaves them with a sense of accomplishment and sets the stage for a lifetime of active participation.