Participant holding writeup of budget goals

Knowing Your Money Sources

January 2024

Choosing a college isn’t just about picking a school and major, it is also about figuring out how to fund the journey. For many people, deciding to go to college is the first major financial decision they make, and it is a decision that will affect their financial stability and career path for the rest of their lives. Luckily, Girls Group staff are here to support participants as they make one of the most exciting (and expensive!) decisions of their life.

This month, Girls Group participants explored different ways they can cover their college bill. From loans and scholarships to work study and FAFSA scholarship applications, participants dug deep into each option’s pros and cons, and began planning their next steps to secure funding sources.

“I really want to get on top of my FAFSA so I can take out fewer loans for college” one participant reflected during the discussion.

Knowing when and where to seek financial assistance is an essential skill that participants will use throughout their academic journeys to further pave the way for lifelong financial independence.